Page 27 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 27
of problems at any stage of the erection n Heart issues
process. n Obesity or metabolic syndrome
What is erectile dysfunction (ED)? n Peyronie’s disease
Erectile dysfunction is a medical n Sleep disorders
condition that affects a man’s ability to n Low testosterone levels
get or maintain an erection firm enough to
perform during sex. It is often caused by Psychological causes of erectile
physical or psychological factors or even dysfunction —
a combination of both. ED is a common n Emotional or relationship problems or
condition that affects men of all ages and sexual performance anxiety
backgrounds, primarily seniors. n Depression and anxiety
n Stress
Symptoms of erectile dysfunction n Mental health problems caused by
nTrouble getting and maintaining an erectile dysfunction which can make it
erection worse
n Reduced sexual desire and libido nAddiction and any kind of substance
nPremature or delayed ejaculation abuse
nAnorgasmia (the inability to achieve an
orgasm after prolonged stimulation)
Causes of erectile dysfunction —
Male sexual arousal is a complex process.
It involves hormones, the brain, emotions,
nerves, blood vessels and muscles. If even
one part of the erection process does not
function properly it can lead to erectile
dysfunction. Stress and your mental
health can also cause or worsen erectile When should you see a doctor?
dysfunction. A family doctor or general doctor is
Sometimes a combination of physical a good first opinion to get when you
and psychological issues causes erectile suspect ED. Talk to your doctor even
dysfunction. if you’re embarrassed because chances
are an underlying condition is the cause
Physical causes of erectile dysfunction — of erectile dysfunction and treating
n If there isn’t enough blood flow into the that might be enough to reverse erectile
penis dysfunction.
n The penis cannot trap blood during an Erectile dysfunction might happen once
erection in a while to all men, which is completely
n Nerves normal and nothing to worry about. If it is
n Disease or injury a regular occurrence then seeking medical
n Diabetes attention might do you good especially
n Cancer treatments if it is caused by an underlying medical
n Certain medications condition.