Page 29 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 29

diet, and have fewer unhealthy habits
                                                            such as smoking and excessive alcohol
                                                             The presence of friends or family
                                                            members can create a positive social norm
                                                            and encourage us to make healthy choices.
                                                             The importance of maintaining and
          Everyone knows the effects of meeting             nurturing friendships.
         good friends on the psyche. It is important         Building new relationships and making
         to stress that mental well-being depends           new friends is crucial to our social well-
         not only on quantitative aspects of social         being and longevity.
         relationships, but also on their quality. It        Being open, approachable, and authentic,
         is not just about having many contacts,            discovering common interests, investing
         but also about maintaining deep and                time, and offering support can help you
         meaningful relationships. A close bond             successfully build new relationships. Be
         with a few people can provide a greater            patient and give relationships time to
         sense of satisfaction and well-being than          grow. Use these tips to make new friends
         superficial relationships with many                and expand your supportive social
         people. Laughing together, talking, being          network.
         happy and content. Forgetting stress and            It takes courage and self-drive, especially
         anxiety, as well as letting go of physical         if you’re not that extroverted, to build a
         tension. All of these promote mental well-         circle of friends. Friends are most likely
         being. You have a feeling of belonging,            to be found in the environment or activity
         support, recognition and being seen.               you feel comfortable in. Take a class, join
          The emotional support and                         a club, or get involved in the community.
         understanding you get from social                  Wherever you find people with common
         contacts can help you get through difficult        interests, you’ll usually find friends.
         times and overcome mental challenges.               In a world where digital communication
          Studies have shown that people with a             is increasingly replacing face-to-face
         strong social network have a lower risk            interaction, it is important to make a
         of depression, anxiety and other mental            conscious effort to create face-to-face
         disorders.                                         encounters. Shared activities, regular
          People with a wide range of social                meetings and open communication are
         contacts often have a healthy lifestyle.           crucial to maintaining a supportive and
         They tend to be physically active on               fulfilling social environment.
         a regular basis, maintain a balanced                Building relationships is important,
                                                            but nurturing existing relationships is
                                                            just as important. Relationships require
                                                            continuous work and attention to stay
                                                            strong and healthy. That means spending
                                                            time together. Either sharing activities,
                                                            meeting regularly or just going out for
                                                            coffee together.

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