Page 32 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 32

Yes, you can learn to ignore them. Switch
         off your hearing faculties consciously.
         Easier said than done but it is possible.
         Can you stop the DJ?  No
         Can you stop the loudspeakers blaring? No.
         Can you stop the barking dogs? No
          You can of course request neighbours to
         reduce the volume a bit, will they listen?
         Maybe not. Maybe yes, for a little while            *When new facilities are being built like
         that’s it. So you choose to ignore them and        the college campus, a hospital complex
         let it not disturb you.                            that involves various buildings, with
          We can actually do the same with                  some landscaping in between, including
         everything and everybody and not let               some garden areas, they always make
         it affect your blood pressure and your             roads around the garden block. I wonder
         wellbeing.                                         why the designers of such a facility do not
                                                            understand the psychology of a person
                                                            on foot. …..  To take the shortest route! No
                                                            matter how many sign boards are put up
                                                            saying “do not walk on the grass”, people
                                                            do and will keep doing so. Soon a path
                                                            is created by the walkers on the shortest
                                                            route. Why can’t the design include a path
                                                            to facilitate this? It could be part of the
                                                            design itself. How nicely it has been done in
                                                            a private garden.

          Another example is of how language
         is used. How can anybody Celebrate
         something like AIDS? Ever seen posters
         about World AIDS Day or Cancer day
         - 1st. December or 4th February? When
         any function is held the communication
         reads “AIDS Day will be celebrated on 1st
         December”. Can’t we word it differently?
         Isn’t that common sense?
          *Surprisingly even communicators tend
         to make silly mistakes. To ‘save water’,
         images used show water is being wasted!
         A positive message/ visual should be used

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