Page 34 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 34

Mind Matters

         What is an Indian?

         Born free. Privileged to live free; to enjoy our independence, writes
         Dr Monika Dass

         “Don’t limit a child to your own learning,         obvious. “Well, everyone speaks different
         for she was born in another time”–                 languages, people wear different clothes,
         Rabindranath Tagore                                and we all eat different food… but what
                                                            makes us all Indian?”
         Sharing a story from the internet!                  Rather humbly, I realise that I can’t give
         A baking hot day in early August in                her a quick answer. How do you sum up
         Bombay, not too long ago. An old Irani             a nation of one billion people (and who
         gentleman and his granddaughter sit in             knows how many gods) for a child?
         the shade of his café, underneath the least         Her curiosity, however, must be nurtured;
         erratic fan. The little girl turns to her          her sense of wonder and openness
         grandfather with a quizzical look on her           preserved. I must think of an answer.
         face, and asks him a question….                     So, I talk. I begin by telling her of the
          “Dada, what is an Indian?”                        many peoples that have shaped our
          I pause. Blink. Clear my throat. What             landscape, of the rise and fall of emperors
         do I tell her? Which of the many possible          and empresses, the religions that have
         answers should I give to that simple,              waxed and waned, of the laws that have
         innocent question?                                 been passed. I describe the influence of the
          I take a moment to think. “Why do you             British and how their control over India
         ask?”                                              made us feel robbed of our freedom and
          She looks around the café, as if it’s             basic rights. I speak of Bapu, the father of

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