Page 30 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 30


         Common Sense Is Very Uncommon

         Malti Gaekwad observes scenarios where uncommon sense takes precedence…

         Common sense is very uncommon. We                 you never expected. I will give you an
         have often heard it, but do you realise           interesting example.
          how often we ourselves make mistakes              It happened to a friend of mine who
         which can be commonly avoided.                    was travelling in a rickshaw with her
          *In the days of the landline, something          small children. We are quite used to
         we saw very often... and it may still be          seeing pictures of Bollywood heroes in
         happening somewhere. When somebody                the rickshaw promoting a movie. This
         we wanted to avoid speaking to, called,           one had superstar Rajesh Khanna on one
         we would tell the children to tell the caller     side and Amitabh Bachchan on the other.
         - “Papa ghar pe nahi hai.” And often the          My friend’s little daughter was highly
         child would say - “Papa keh rahe hain ki          impressed by the two heroes... And tried to
         vah ghar per nahin hai.” That was a fiasco        kiss the pictures in her excitement as she
         which could have been avoided. Funny as           came face to face in close proximity. My
         it might sound now, did we realise that we        friend tried to tell her daughter that she
         were teaching the children to tell a lie?         should not do anything like this... As the
          *Children are smart; they pick up things         hero is also just another human being! The
         from what they see around them. Often             kids kept quiet and settled down for the
         they remember things that parents have            ride.
         told them in one context but will surprise         After a couple of days, their grand aunt
         you by using that same logic at a place           came to visit them... And granny asked

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