Page 31 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 31

the kids to bow down and touch her feet            Apart from going physically... There are
         and take blessings. One of the little ones         other ways to help and show your genuine
         promptly blurted...  “She’s no God! Only           concern. Like sending flowers, getting well
         another human being like us! “                     soon cards etc.
          *Ever been to a book launch? What the
         book looks like is to be kept a secret,
          so copies of the book are gift wrapped.
         During a typical scenario, the dignitaries
         stand up for the launch ceremony and the
         shutter bugs are ready and waiting for
         the big moment. And then it happens………
         the chief guest is expected to open the first
         copy……..… The ribbon usually has a knot
         which refuses to open when tugged ……..
         other guests try to help, and wow, they
         manage to pull it apart somehow.                                                    Wishing You A
          Next is the wrapping paper. It is so tightly                                       Speedy Recovery
         secured with countless pieces of cello tape.                                         Get Well Soon!
         That is when another struggle begins.
         Then with a huff and a puff and several             *Sometimes actions speak louder and
         exasperated helping hands, the paper is            better than words. If a friend loses a loved
         finally torn off.                                  one, no words can comfort but just a good
                                                            hug can be very comforting and assuring.
                                                            A nice tight hug can really be the Jadu Ki
                                                            Jhappi. That doesn’t need rocket science.
                                                            Hugging reduces stress and anxiety and
                                                            can help improve your wellbeing.

         Is there no other way to do it I wonder?
        Sure there is, if we give it some thought.
         *When someone is sick and hospitalised,
        why do we say “hum unko dekhne aa rahe
        hain”, or in Gujarati we say “Jova aaviye            *We get disturbed when we hear a lot of
        che”.  Should we be saying something like           noise. Whether it’s the blaring DJ music
        that? Is it a pleasant sight to be seen....when     on the street corner during festivals
        somebody is sick and suffering? I think             and weddings or neighbours playing
        it sounds very rude. It’s a good thing that         loud music.  Or barking of street dogs
        hospitals have restricted timing for visitors.      at midnight. Angry and irritated at the
        But we all need to become more sensitive.           situation, can you do something about it?

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #62 | AUGUST 2024                                                             31
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