Page 40 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 40

9. Measure your stress levels
                                                            Thanks to advanced sensors, your
                                                            smartphone can now measure your stress
                                                            levels. By placing your finger on the
                                                            camera lens, your phone can track your
                                                            heart rate variability and provide insights
                                                            on your stress levels.
                                                            10. Scan barcodes and QR codes
                                                            Want to know more about a product or
         4. Act as a remote control                         service? Your smartphone can quickly
         If you often misplace your TV remote,              scan barcodes and QR codes, providing
         your smartphone can come to the rescue.            you with information, reviews, and even
         With the increasing popularity of smart            discounts.
         TVs, many manufacturers have developed             11. Serve as a personal assistant
         apps that allow your phone to function as a        With features like Siri, Google Assistant,
         remote control.                                    and Bixby, your smartphone can serve
         5. Translate languages in real-time                as your personal assistant. From setting
         Traveling to a foreign country? Your               reminders to answering questions, these
         smartphone can serve as a reliable                 virtual assistants can make your life easier.
         translator. With the help of translation           12. Edit videos
         apps, you can easily communicate with              You don’t need a fancy computer or
         locals by simply speaking into your phone.         software to edit videos anymore. Your
         6. Measure distances and heights                   smartphone comes with built-in video
         Your smartphone’s camera, along with               editing tools that allow you to trim, add
         augmented reality technology, can measure          effects, and even create montages with just
         distances and heights with impressive              a few taps.
         accuracy. This feature comes in handy              13. Monitor your screen time
         when you need to measure the size of a             In this digital age, it’s essential to keep
         room or the height of a building.                  track of our screen time to maintain a
         7. Identify plants and animals                     healthy balance. Your smartphone’s screen
         Are you curious about the plants and               time feature shows you how much time
         animals around you? With the help of               you spend on each app and allows you to
         various plant and animal identification            set limits to avoid excessive usage.
         apps, you can easily identify different
         species just by taking a photo with your
         8. Monitor your water intake
         Staying hydrated is crucial for our overall
         health, and your smartphone can help
         you keep track of your water intake. By
         downloading a water tracking app, you can
         set reminders to drink water and monitor
         your daily water consumption.

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