Page 38 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 38

trying to embrace new technology.                  Mindset Barriers
         Physical Barriers                                  Scepticism is a natural response to
         Having limited physical mobility, health           change, and ever-changing technology
         problems, and vision impairments could             is no exception. You might value face-
         make using digital assets difficult, as            to-face connections above all forms of
         opposed to someone healthier. Most                 communication, making you wary of
         smartphones and tablets today allow you            social media and hesitant to share your
         to use a larger font size or include voice         information for the world to see.
         command tools.                                      However, it’s important to remember that
         Financial Barriers                                 social media and other digital engagements
         Buying the latest smartphone may not be            are meant to complement, rather than
         your first choice. New technology is not           replace, real-life interactions. They help
         easy on the wallet, especially if you live         you connect with people worldwide who
         on a fixed income. But don’t disqualify            share your interests—people you might
         yourself just yet. You can always take             never have met in your local community.
         advantage of seasonal offers or purchase            You could find yourself on a flight to
         a budget phone that is sometimes on par            Himachal Pradesh for a week-long pottery
         with, if not slightly better than, premium         class with your online friends, now turned
         models feature-wise.                               real-life companions!

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