Page 41 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 41

14. Find your parked car                           can measure your speed and acceleration
         Parking in a crowded area can make it              accurately. This feature is particularly
         challenging to find your car. However,             useful for runners, cyclists, or anyone
         your smartphone’s GPS can pinpoint your            trying to improve their fitness levels.
         car’s location, making it easier for you to        19. Control your home appliances
         find it.                                           Thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT),
         15. Act as a spirit level                          your smartphone can control various home
         Need to hang a picture or install a shelf?         appliances, such as lights, thermostats,
         Your smartphone can serve as a spirit              and even kitchen appliances. This feature
         level, ensuring that everything is perfectly       allows you to manage your home remotely,
         aligned.                                           making your life more convenient.
         16. Track your fitness progress                    20. Protect your hearing
         With the help of fitness tracking apps,            Excessive noise exposure can damage our
         your smartphone can monitor your daily             hearing, and your smartphone can help
         activities, including steps taken, calories        prevent that. With the help of sound meter
         burned, and even your sleep quality. This          apps, you can measure the noise levels in
         feature is especially useful for those trying      your surroundings and take necessary
         to maintain a healthy lifestyle.                   precautions.
         17. Create a personal hotspot                       Today, our smartphones are more than
         If you’re in an area with no Wi-Fi, your           just communication devices. With their
         smartphone can act as a personal hotspot,          advanced technology and numerous
         providing internet access to other devices.        features, they have become an essential tool
         This feature is especially useful for those        in our daily lives. So, the next time you use
         who work remotely or travel frequently.            your smartphone, remember that it can do
         18. Measure your speed and acceleration            much more than just make calls and send
         Your smartphone’s GPS and accelerometer            texts.

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