Page 37 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 37

digital divide. According to the ‘State            following ways:
         of Seniors’ study by Antara and Access             ●Increases feelings of isolation: You may
         Media International, 77% of seniors in             feel left out if you find it challenging to
         India are ‘text-savy’, using smartphones           operate tech devices to communicate with
         extensively for messaging and chatting. A          friends and family.
         close 53% use them for work-related tasks.         ●Limited entertainment: Navigating
          Based on these findings, one thing is             streaming platforms could entail a steep
         certain: seniors are willing to learn and          learning curve. For instance, Forbes
         adapt to technological advances. The fact          reveals that older participants in a study
         that 77% of seniors confidently navigate           found that after purchasing streaming
         texting on what were once perceived as             services (like Netflix), they didn’t
         alien-like smartphones is nothing short of         understand how to work them.
         a marvel.                                          ●Lack of remote medical assistance: If
          So, if unwillingness to utilise digital           using medical alert devices and smart
         technologies isn’t primarily rooted in             home equipment becomes challenging as
         accessibility issues, what is the root cause?      you age in place, your access to remote
          Technological companies often lack                medical assistance will be limited.
         senior-focused resources and training.             ●Setting up tech equipment becomes
         Plus, their ‘top-down’ design process              a herculean task: You may not fully
         overlooks the valuable input of older              understand user manuals and how-to
         adults on interface design. This approach          guides due to a lack of familiarity with tech
         fails to address seniors’ real-world               terminology. According to a Forbes article,
         constraints, leading to gradual isolation.         one participant describes their experience
         Shengzhi Wang of the Design Lab at                 as,” Trying to hook a printer up to my
         the University of California San Diego             laptop—they said to put in the IPP [sic IP]
         (UCSD) tells Forbes that seniors often             address. Uhh, I can’t
         became “frustrated” with new technology,           ● find it… you know, and things like that, I
         making them feel incapable of using it and         don’t know what they are talking about.”
         uninspired even to try.

                                                            Barriers That Stand in the Way of
         How Does the Digital Divide Impact                 Adopting New Technology for Seniors
         Seniors?                                           Aside from technological barriers, there
         The digital divide can impact seniors in the       are other obstacles seniors may face when

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