Page 36 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 36


         Bridging the Digital Divide for

         Older Adults

         The elderly population in India is set to surge to nearly 20% of the total
         population by 2050. This makes bridging the digital divide more urgent
         than ever before, writes Karishma Joshi

         Digital literacy has a triple benefit: it          up with access to evolving technology, and
         allows you to stay connected, access               adults above 60 who did not have the same
         essential services, and maintain                   exposure.
         independence.                                       The word ‘access’ doesn’t merely
          A digitally integrated society must               imply technological availability but also
         develop inclusive technological solutions          technological literacy. While you may have
         that cater to the needs of everyone,               the financial means to invest in upcoming
         including older people. These solutions are        technological inventions, you may still face
         indispensable tech tools that empower you          shortcomings in usage and adoption, which
         to go through the golden years with ease,          is entirely understandable.
         grace, and confidence.                              You’ve witnessed multiple eras, from
          A United Nations report states that the           the no-frills typewriter to the Qwerty
         elderly population in India is set to surge        mobile and sleek touch devices. No wonder
         to nearly 20% of the total population by           you find the technology jump hard to
         2050. This makes bridging the digital              keep up with, if not sometimes outright
         divide more urgent than ever before.               overwhelming.
                                                             Say hello to the digital divide.
         What Is the Digital Divide?
         The digital divide is a term that separates        The Root Cause of the Digital Divide
         the population into two groups: the tech-          For better context, let’s talk statistics before
         savvy younger generation who’ve grown              getting into the core issue underlying the

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