Page 21 - Seniorstoday December 2023 Issue
P. 21

communicate with other people, and be              identify problematic overcontrol. This will
         more flexible in the midst of changing             make it easier for researchers to continue
         situations.                                        studying overcontrol, too.
          Importantly, this therapy is                       High self-control is typically admired and
         transdiagonistic, which means it can be            highly overcontrolled people are rarely
         helpful regardless of what mental health           open about their struggles. That’s why
         condition a person might have been                 problematic overcontrol can go unnoticed
         diagnosed with before. Research shows              for a long time. Continued work in this field
         that it may be useful for people who               will hopefully make it easier for people to
         struggle with a range of mental health             get the help they need.
         conditions – such as treatment-resistant            Importantly, overcontrol and
         depression, anorexia nervosa and autism            undercontrol are complex concepts and
         spectrum disorders.                                cannot be self-diagnosed. If you suspect
          But, to receive suitable help, a person           you may be highly overcontrolled or
         must first be correctly identified as highly       undercontrolled – and especially if it’s
         overcontrolled.                                    affecting your health and wellbeing – it’s
          The current assessment of overcontrol             important to reach out to a doctor or a
         is quite long and complex. It involves a           therapist.
         few questionnaires and an interview that
         must be conducted by a specially trained           This article is published with permission
         clinician. This can limit access to support        from Alex Lambert is
         and slow down research.                            a PhD Candidate, Psychology (Personality
          I am working on developing a simplified           Psychopathology), Nottingham Trent
         assessment method that will help promptly          University

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