Page 25 - Seniorstoday December 2023 Issue
P. 25

sugar?                                             diagnosis as early as age 9. (Courtesy:
          You have tried quitting and it’s too hard?        Business insider) Hidden sugars are in the
          Let’s tackle each of these questions —            bread you eat, the breakfast cereals, every
          Is it that you don’t think it is that bad for     processed food, canned food, even if it does
         you?                                               not taste like dessert, know that the sugar
          You think natural forms of sugar such as          all adds up.
         gud, honey, cane sugar, brown sugar are             NOTE: 4grams of sugar =1 cube or
         natural, they come from sugarcane, fruit           teaspoon, anything less than 5grams of
         or from beehives. You are right, this is the       sugar is considered LOW sugar.
         source, but the amount of processing and
         refining that goes into the natural form,
         that by the time it reaches your mouth,
         it is nothing but refined sugar. Straight-
         up sugar with no fibre is absorbed by the
         blood stream and causes instant blood
         sugar spikes, the same is good for refined
         flour products. To bring the rapid glucose
         spike down to normal the digestive system
         has to go into overdrive, putting pressure         You have tried quitting and it’s too
         on every organ of your body. Just imagine          hard?
         this happening multiple times a day, day           I am the prime example of making
         on day, years on end. Your body will crash         resolutions every morning and by dusk it’s
         at some point, yes it will and the result is       shattered. It took me years to figure out why
         type-2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular           I found it so very hard to give up sugar.
         disease and poor dental health and bone            Here is the science behind it —
         degeneration.                                       Sugar causes its own cycle of chronic
          You don’t feel you consume that much of           cravings. Sugar stimulates the reward
         sugar?                                             center in your brain- called the ‘Nucleus
          It’s no secret that sugar is touted as            Accumbens,’ to release the hormone
         a substance that is okay to eat. It is a           ‘dopamine’ and if you don’t know — it is
         multibillion-dollar business worldwide.            this hormone also known as the ‘happy
         Every celebration is lauded and cherished          hormone,’ that makes you feel ‘good’
         with sweets, it has made its way into every        actually ‘really good.’
         processed food all approved by FDA, FSSAI           So, the more sugar you eat, the more
         etc. hidden sugars are lurking in every            dopamine is released the happier you feel…
         single packet of processed or frozen food,          It’s the sugar high.
         and we don’t even know that.                        It’s addictive
          Who reads labels at the supermarket or             And like all other addictions, your
         when you are dining at a restaurant?               cravings will continue, your body will
          On an average, an adult eats about 152            plateau with the release of dopamine and
         pounds of sugar a year, that’s 22 teaspoons        your brain will ask for higher doses of
         each day and children 34 teaspoons per             sugar and the vicious cycle will continue
         day, making type-2 diabetes or pre diabetic,       till your health is effected hugely and the

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #54 | DECEMBER 2023                                                           25
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