Page 24 - Seniorstoday December 2023 Issue
P. 24


        A 10-Step Blueprint for

        Quitting Sugar

         The truth is you can get rid of the addiction, those crippling sweet cravings and get a
         better handle on your daily diet, writes Vinita Alvares Fernandes

         If you are reading this article, you probably       I literally have had to train my brain on a
         already know that sugar is bad for you, and        daily basis to say ‘yes’ to salty and a big ‘no’
         you need all the tips possible to refrain from     to sweet.
         indulging in sweet meats.                           So friends, Romans and Countrymen,
          Broadly speaking, there are two types of          Lend me your ears (eyes) as I explain- Why
         palettes, a sweet palette and a spicy/salty        it is necessary to incorporate a sugar detox
         palette. Both come with their share of health      plan into your life from a very young age?
         ups and downs.                                      How to go about it and maintain the no
          Which category do you fall into?                  sugar lifestyle?
          Well for as long as I can remember, I have         How this change will keep you healthy in
         chosen dessert as my main course, and have         the long run?
         paid a price for it as years have advanced. I       Most people know that sugar is bad for
         am currently at a point where I am allowed         you, every bit of research has proven that
         close to no sugar at all in my daily diet. A       sugar is associated with type-2 diabetes,
         huge price to pay for tipping off the charts       obesity, cardiovascular disease and poor
         instead of staying balanced.                       dental health.
          I have always wondered if I could swap             What is keeping you from kicking the
         my palette and crave salty, like a lot of my       sugar habit?
         friends.                                            Is it that you don’t think it is that bad for
          Yes it is possible, it is a calculated habit,     you?
         does not come naturally or easily.                  You don’t feel you consume that much of

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