Page 26 - Seniorstoday December 2023 Issue
P. 26
red flags will force you to cold turkey on the • Avoid foods that cause inflammation,
sugar- nothing else will help bring down most often inflammation is caused not by
the craving. Cold turkey it is! illness or injury but by food sensitivities.
Giving up dairy and gluten is a great add-
What is Cold Turkey? on to your detox plan, just for the ten days,
To get over your sugar craving, you will you will get rid of the bloat and may feel so
need to stay off all foods that contain sugar. good, you will want to extend or kick them
Our bodies and neurological systems can be out permanently.
free of this addiction within a week to ten Go ahead and kick start your sugar detox
days. It’s a sugar detox. without further ado —
Here are some tips to detox — The first few days will be challenging, but
• Get all sugar and flour products out of stay focused —
your home and office. - When you crave sugar, eat a low GI fruit,
• Drink only unsweetened water, herbal it will satisfy your craving.
teas, fresh green juices without fruit or - Have protein and good fats with every
artificial sweeteners. meal, it steady’s your blood sugar levels.
• Your breakfast should be a high protein - Your snacks should be a combination of
meal. protein, carbs and fats.
• Eat huge quantities of green leafy veggies - Stress raises your cortisol levels, this
or any non-starchy veggies. causes hunger and stimulates fat storage.
• Eat healthy fats- the best fats are nuts, De-stressing reverses the process.
seeds, olive oil, palm oil, avocados, nut - Exercise should include cardio and
butter (unsweetened) Omega-3 fats from strength training to keep your sugar levels
pasture raised meat, eggs, wild-caught steady.
seafood. - By day -7- you will begin to feel amazing,
your bloat will vanish, you skin will appear
hydrated and you will feel a burst of energy.
Remember —
You don’t lose bone density overnight,
You don’t get fat with one piece of
It’s feeding your sugar cravings for a
lifetime and your brain becomes addicted to
the spike.
• Keep healthy snacks around you at all The truth is you can get rid of the
times — low GI fruits (oranges, apples, addiction, those crippling cravings and get
plums, peaches, pears, apricots, grapefruit) a better handle on your daily diet.
raw nuts, unsweetened - yoghurt, almond Every month do a 7 to 10 day sugar detox,
milk, soy milk. before you know it you will become aware
• Lower stress levels with breathing of what you put into your body and only
techniques, adequate sleep and power naps make choices of healthy foods.
and most importantly daily exercise. Don’t worry; Hope is on your side!