Page 29 - Seniorstoday December 2023 Issue
P. 29

Erectile dysfunction can also hint at             and sensitivity
         serious health problems such as heart              • mild urinary symptoms that don’t bother
         disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and         you.
         disorders of the nervous system.                    Staying healthy and regularly seeing your
          In this way, the penis reflects vascular          GP to check for common conditions (such
         health in the rest of the body. So having          as high blood pressure) should slow down
         erectile dysfunction can predict your risk         these age-related changes. Other health
         of a future heart attack or stroke.                conditions (such as diabetes) accelerate
          Lower urinary tract symptoms are also             these changes.
         often associated with sexual dysfunction,           However, it is important to seek medical
         and can increase the risk of urinary tract         attention if:
         infections and chronic kidney disease.             • there is a significant change in size
                                                            or shape of the penis, or if you develop
         What’s normal and when should I see                unusual lumps
         my GP?                                             • there is pain or discomfort in or around
          Normal ageing includes changes to the             your penis
         penis’ blood vessels, nerves, and associated       • erectile dysfunction becomes persistent or
         organs, such as the prostate. So, as you age,      bothers you
         it is normal to have:                              • urinary symptoms occur suddenly or
         • minor changes in the size and shape of the       bother you.
         penis                                               This article is republished with
         • a gradual decrease in erectile function          permission from

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