Page 30 - Seniorstoday December 2023 Issue
P. 30

Mind Matters

         Inner Reflections:

         Worry Has Absolutely No Value

         When things are beyond your control, and there is nothing you can do…
         why worry, reasons Dr Monika M Dass

          “When the neonatologist came to my                control - like the state of the economy, or
         hospital room and told me that my second           the election outcome or someone else’s
         daughter had less than a five percent              behaviour at home - will drain you of
         chance of surviving the night… and to              the mental strength you need to be your
         “prepare myself,” I didn’t get hysterical.         best. It can also lead to other toxic habits,
         I got on the phone, called my physician            like blaming yourself too much or micro-
         brother and found a place to airlift her           managing other people.
         for surgery half-way across the country.            Fortunately, you do not have to resign
         Immediately after her successful surgery,          yourself to being a lifelong “worry-wart.”
         almost 27 hours later, I began crying,             You can take control of your mind and
         couldn’t stop, and finally had to be               train your brain to think differently.
         sedated”. Jann Hoke - “It ain’t over till it’s      Here are two things you can do the next
         over.” Writer. Artist. Lawyer.                     time you catch yourself worrying about
          Live in the Moment. Like everyone else,           things you can’t control:
         you cannot predict life’s every turn, so           1. Develop a realistic sense of control.
         make the most of each moment. Worrying             Identify what is within your control
         stems from a desire to be in control. We           and what is not. For example, one can
         often want to control our environment. Or          control ringing the doctor and making an
         we may want control over the outcome of            appointment at a chosen time convenient
         every situation. But the more you try to           to both; however, you cannot control nor
         control everything around you, the more            foresee traffic jams that would delay you
         anxious you will feel.                             from getting to the clinic on time. In the
          It is a vicious cycle to break - worry, try to    workplace, you can give your employees
         gain control, fail, and worry again. Repeat.       the tools they need to succeed, but you
          Worrying about things you cannot                  cannot force them to be productive.

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