Page 28 - Seniorstoday February 2023 Issue
P. 28
Dirty Harry
Every fairy tale ends with a prince rescuing his princess, the question is – now who
will come to rescue the prince, asks Vickram Sethi
“Happy families are all alike; every event on World Television. The palace
unhappy family is unhappy in its own also licenses a large range of merchandise.
way.” So said Leo Tolstoy in the opening Every usable product is sold through
sentence of Anna Karenina, that Russian souvenir shops around England.
tragedy and tale of woe. Crockery, artifacts, Caps, T Shirts, Sports
As one of the world’s most famous goods, Jewelry, Clocks, furnishings like
brands, the British royal family has a Cushion covers, Kitchen napkins, every
strong, tailored narrative of patronages, possible product that their dignity allows
pageantry and people. The monarchy them to do, they would create a product
has long demonstrated its value in and sell it. The British are truly a nation of
contemporary consumer culture, and shopkeepers.
kept its buyers engaged. The pomp, the As kids, we all grow up on fairy tales
fanfare and the pageantry nobody could of RAJA RANI RAJKUMAR and
do it better than the British. Even the RAJKUMARI stories that are told to
change of guards at Buckingham palace us again and again. And in India we
is a well-coordinated media event, which have loads of royalty and all the other
the tourists love to lap up. Without doubt, paraphernalia of ‘hangers on’. However,
the British monarchy would be amongst when I grew older and realised the
the top ten leading brands of the world. absurdity of so-called blue blood and
Every opportunity Birthdays, Births, genuflecting towards someone because
Marriages, Anniversaries and Deaths are of an accident of their birth, my view of
exploited to the hilt. The death of Queen royalty changed, not to hostility, mind
Elizabeth was probably the most watched you, just indifference.