Page 32 - Seniorstoday February 2023 Issue
P. 32
Plinth, Pillars and Roof
Life is like a home, metaphorically speaking, writes Nagesh Alai. The
plinth, the pillars and the roof help us sail and swim the currents of our
lives with our heads held high
Nothing to beat a story with a lesson the project in equal partnership with each
in it. After all, many of us, if not most, getting one-third share in the business
have grown up listening to stories. Here and profits. The fact is that the initial seed
are a few simple life stories that will be capital of Rs 8 lakh is not exactly divisible
interesting to read as it involves human by 3. So, an exact three-way division would
thinking and behaviour and the role be possible only by multiplying 5 and 3
that others play in our lives in different by a factor of 3, leading to 15 + 9 = 24, and
situations. using that as the base to determine each’s
There were three close friends who share of contributions and distribution of
wanted to start a business. But they were profits in equal proportion of 8, 8 and 8.
from different backgrounds and financially Over the following years, the business
inequal. Each had some strengths and did well consistently and the value of
they were confident that they would be the business grew quite substantially; in
able to work together synergistically. They excess of 1,000 times of the seed capital
needed a significant capital in those days. of Rs 8 lakh put in. The third person who
One of them could contribute Rs 5 lakh, the had not contributed anything at all in
second one Rs 3 lakh and the third one was the beginning, due to his then indigent
in no position to contribute anything at all situation, had grown wealthy in tandem
for various reasons. Since they were close with the growth in the business, along
friends, the contributing friends did not with his two other friends, who had been
have any reservations moving ahead with munificent towards him. Not only that, as