Page 29 - Seniorstoday February 2023 Issue
P. 29

When Prince Harry           play, Charles has a huge task cut out for
                               announced to the             him. He needs to show that he is capable,
                               world that he was            compassionate and ready to modernise the
                               about to write a tell-       monarchy without making it redundant.
                               all memoir for all           A difficult task ahead and one for a man
                               the people to know.          who in other walks of life would be retired
                               I cannot help but            and sunning himself in his back garden,
                               wonder who would             perhaps with a beer or wine in hand in
                               be interested in his         the late afternoon, admiring his flowers or
                               life story if he was         veggies. Harry’s book is a new soap opera
         not a prince? He comes from a position of          in the life of the British monarchy, but give
         privilege and entitlement, regardless of           them credit they know how to handle these
         how much he claims to be an ‘ordinary              things. Diana’s divorce, death and various
         man’. He has led a sheltered life of people        others. Divorces and scandals that are still
         fawning and groveling in front of him. He          in the closet waiting to tumble out.
         sadly was number two in the pecking order           At the heart of Harry’s narrative is his
         and was really just ‘the spare’ in the royal       defense of his wife, Meghan against her
         lineage. Now he has moved even further             persecution by the tabloid press and the
         down the ranks of being a possible heir to         alleged complicity of his family in this.
         the throne and finds himself redundant.            From Harry’s perspective, his powerful
         He has a right to tell his own story and may       passion for Meghan has led to the current
         have had a difficult childhood losing his          rift with his family and the couple’s
         mother at a young age, but then so have            new life in California. There, Harry and
         many millions of kids.                             Meghan are just Mr and Mrs Windsor.
                                                            He enjoys highlighting flaws in other
                                                           people, but not in himself or Meghan. He is
                                                           obviously an unhappy man and unhappy
                                                           with his birth family. It’s sad that he took
                                                           his dirty linen to the airing cupboard of
                                                           mainstream media. It appears he had a
                                                           recent fight with his brother. So what?
                                                           Sibling rivalry and antagonism run in
                                                           most families and certainly men tend to
                                                           use physical force to convey their anger or
          Harry, as Prince, has no doubt already           frustration.
         lived a life in a goldfish bowl. His father        Prince Harry has rejected his royal life in
         seems to have been forgiven for his               England and attempted to make a new life
         infidelities, and many people believe that at     in the US, cosying up to Netflix and Spotify
         least now he is happy to be with the woman        to provide him with publicity and money.
         he loved. Today in the media driven world         But there are contradictions in all of this.
         the Crown, the Sceptre with the Cross,            Who would be interested in him if he
         the sovereign cape, are all things that we        wasn’t English royalty? He is attempting
         would find in a fancy dress children’s            to have his life both ways, rejecting and yet

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #44 | FEBRUARY 2023                                                           29
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