Page 33 - Seniorstoday February 2023 Issue
P. 33
a canny investor, he had turned over his detailed discussions and understanding
wealth several times over and amassed the background of the case, the arbitrator
an estate worth over Rs 100 crore. ruled that Rs 21 crore should be the share
Unfortunately, his health took a turn for of the person contributing Rs 5 lakh
the worst and he soon passed. and Rs 3 crore should go to the person
He was a methodical man with a sense contributing Rs 3 lakh. His rationale was
of fair play and had not forgotten the that in the original distribution ratio of 8,8
invaluable and generous help of his two and 8, the former had contributed 7 to the
other friends. He left a will behind and his indigent person’s share of 8 and the latter
family noticed that he had willed Rs 24 has contributed only 1. In other words,
crore for his two friends, to be paid to them out of the initial multiple of 15 (5*3) of the
and shared mutually as per their choice. former, he had contributed 7 (15 less his
Now the story takes an interesting turn own share of 8), while the later, out of the
here. The two surviving friends, who multiple of 9 ( 3*3 ), had contributed only 1
had initially contributed Rs 5 lakh and (9 less his own factor of 8), making for the
Rs 3 lakh respectively, came to know total share of 8 that the deceased person
of the grace and generosity of their had.
deceased friend. The two got together
and discussed how best to logically
divide the willed amount of Rs 24 crores
amongst themselves. The person who had
contributed Rs 3 lakh, was of the view
that since their friend had not mentioned
anything and left the amount to both
of them, Rs 24 crore should be divided
equally between themselves. Hearing
this, the person who had contributed Rs The latter accepted the decision as a good
5 lakh, felt that in the interest of fairness, sport and friend of the former, but rued
he ought to be getting Rs 15 crore and the the fact that he had not accepted the initial
other person only Rs 9 crore, since his offer of Rs 9 crore as his share of Rs 24
contribution of Rs 5 lakh ( to the total seed crore. The arbitrator’s decision had left
capital of Rs 8 lakh) was 62.5%, while that him poorer by Rs 6 crore. Nothing can be
of the other contributing Rs 3 lakh, was seen in isolation and everything can be
only 37.5%. Essentially, his argument was seen differently, quite clearly.
that Rs 24 crore should be split in the ratio Here is the story of another family. The
of 5:3. They went into multiple rounds of parents died intestate leaving behind
discussions and debates, but could not an apartment and jewellery to their five
come to an agreement. The former tried children, three daughters and two sons,
to convince the latter repeatedly. But the each settled in life and doing variously
latter was not convinced and referred on the financial front. After mutual
the matter to an arbitrator, whom both discussions, and based on the advice of a
trusted for his sagacity and were thus close family friend, the siblings decided
willing to accept his verdict. At the end of that the apartment should be sold and
Continued on Page No 36