Page 35 - Seniorstoday February 2023 Issue
P. 35
This is the most commonly noticed sleep time? Flailing about, kicking or
symptom of Parkinson’s. This may come in punching when you are asleep, or even
the form of a tremor in your finger, hand, falling out of bed are all early warning
thumb, lip or chin. It may also be that your signs of Parkinson’s. You may be unaware
leg shakes when you sit and relax. of them, but it may pay for you to take note
2. Dizziness or fainting if your partner is telling you about such
If you’ve been having dizziness on standing night-time activities.
up, or if you sometimes feel like fainting, 6. Constipation
you should see your doctor. It could be a Having trouble moving your bowels can
sign of low-blood pressure or something also be a sign of Parkinson’s, but this is
worse. There’s even a theory that dizziness one where you shouldn’t panic if it’s a
can lead to dementia. sole symptom. There are other factors that
3. Lost sense of smell cause constipation, too.
Having trouble smelling certain foods,
such as banana or liquorice? Has anyone
commented on your perfume or after-
shave, finding it far too strong? If so, you
may need to see your GP.
7. Speaking quietly
Do people have trouble hearing what
you’re saying? Is your voice low, soft or
do you often have people telling you that
4. Increased stiffness when moving or you sound as if you have a sore throat?
walking A change in your voice can be a sign of
You may notice stiffness in your hip or Parkinson’s, or it could just be a sore throat
shoulder, or that you can’t swing your or a virus. Coupled with other symptoms, it
arms when you walk, or you may feel as if should be looked into.
you’re walking with cement shoes on, but 8. You look as if you had Botox
once these signs progress to the point where Has your face lost its elasticity or do you
you’re finding it difficult to walk or move always look as if you’re in a somber mood?
at all (shuffling gait}, you should probably A serious-looking face with a blank stare is
get checked out. It could indicate that you known as “mask face” – and it could also be
have muscle stiffness, but it could also be a a sign of Parkinson’s.
precursor to Parkinson’s. 9. Small handwriting
5. Trouble sleeping If your handwriting has changed,
Are you particularly ‘active’ during your has become smaller than it was in the