Page 36 - Seniorstoday February 2023 Issue
P. 36
past; if your letters are more bunched Non-pharmacological therapies available
together or the way you write words has for PD include exercise, education, support
changed drastically, it could be a sign of groups, speech therapy and nutrition.
Parkinson’s. Evidence from literature recommends
their usage early on in the course of the
10. Hunching or slouching disease.
Do you find yourself hunched over when Your doctor could, in advanced stages,
you walk? Do you slouch in your chair also suggest medication. Certain surgical
more so than before? Do you feel as if you procedures are indicated in extreme cases.
stoop when you stand? All of these could You may need to create a life strategy
be symptoms of Parkinson’s. with your doctor, and you’ll be seeing a
So, what if you do have Parkinson’s? neurologist for assistance and check-ups.
Awareness of the disease manifestations, Your occupational therapist, speech
the treatments, and the progressive long- therapist and physical therapist will help
term course of the disease is necessary for you through the day-to-day activities, and
the optimal management of the cases, to a social worker can help you manage the
ensure a better quality of life. ongoing psychological effects in your life.
Continued from Page No 33
the proceeds equally shared between the holding joint consultations with lawyers.
five. As for the jewellery, one recused and We all will be faced with similar situations
gave away the one-fifth share to the other in our lives. How we respond to them
four siblings. All amicable, no animus, no would be crucial for handling those
regrets, whatsoever. The egalitarianism situations and finding solutions with the
of the parents and the upbringing of help of those who we have in our lives.
children ensured equanimity of thought Life is like a home, metaphorically
and equality of approach in ensuring a speaking. A home needs a strong plinth
continuing bond. or foundation to be solid and stable. It
The last story is of a person who passed requires strong pillars to hold the roof.
intestate and his wife, the only heir, is still A roof needs to be steady to provide us a
finding her way through the labyrinthine shield from the scorching sun or windy
legal process to ensure transfer of all rains or cold nights. Family makes for a
the assets in her name, some of which strong foundation, upbringing and values;
are in the single name of the deceased. friends and advisors are the pillars who
The wife, initially distressed and facing play a supporting role and hold up the roof
huge hurdles to get it done, reached out over our head. The roof is nothing but our
to a close friend of the deceased, who is own spirituality, our thoughts and actions,
knowledgeable about law and finances, for our faith and self-belief, that helps us face
independent guidance. He is now actively the vicissitudes of life. The plinth, the
counselling and helping her resolve the pillars and the roof help us sail and swim
matter as expeditiously as possible, by the currents of our lives with our heads
following the due process of law and held high.