Page 32 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 32

lifestyle, exercising in some manner, had a
         lower biological age.
         Smoking has long been associated with
         increased morbidity and mortality; it is
         also known to increase the biological age.
         Fortunately, the changes are reversible,
         as found by studies conducted on
         former smokers, current smokers and
         nonsmokers. While the current smokers
         showed an increased biological age, there
         wasn’t much difference between the
         nonsmokers and people who had given up
         Sleeping habits
         Insomnia, reduced sleep, odd sleeping              Determining your age
         hours, all take a toll on our health, and          Determining bio age requires study of two
         increase bio age too. Whether it is the            things:
         quality of sleep, or quantity, it will affect      1. Telomeres (part of chromosomes)
         the biological age negatively. Correcting          Chromosomes are the building blocks of
         your sleeping habits can, however, reverse         DNA, present on each strand. At the end
         the process.                                       of each chromosome is a structure called
         Stress                                             telomere, which reduces in length as the
         Stress, for obvious reasons, can cause             biological age increases. Measuring the
         biological age to increase. The effect,            telomere can give an indication of your
         however, seems to be reversible.                   biological age.
         A study observed an increase in the                2. DNA methylation (how your DNA is
         biological age, when the body was exposed          ageing)
         to stress due to infections, Covid, trauma.
         Though the bio age increased drastically
         when the body was under stress; however,
         once the stressful circumstances were
         removed, it reverted to the previous

         Environmental factors
         Where you live, work, the air around
         you, the pollution, all exposes you to
         toxic elements which affect biological
         age, increasing it. Unfortunately, not all
         of them can be removed from your life;
         however, you can counter it by taking a
         few protective steps.

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