Page 34 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 34

8. Maintain a healthy diet                          age. Most green vegetables are rich in
          A healthy diet does wonders for your              antioxidants, and should form a part of
        body, keeping you young, with good                  your daily meals.
        immunity and the strength to fight                   ● It has been noted that certain nutrients
        diseases. A combination of proteins, carbs,         like Vit B12, B6, and folate are fundamental
        fats, minerals and vitamins is a must. A few        in keeping the methylation process normal.
        more pointers:                                      It is suggested that including foods rich
          ● Include foods rich in omega 3 fatty             in these nutrients could help reduce or
        acids, such as oily fish, nuts, and seeds           maintain biological age.
        and avocado. These fatty acids are known             ● Choose foods with a low glycemic
        to fight free radicals. They also have anti-        index. Not only are they easier to digest,
        inflammatory properties and help maintain           they also strengthen the bones and tissues
        biological age.                                     of the body. Include fruits, low fat dairy
          ● Try adopting the Mediterranean diet; it’s       products in your meals. Equally, try to
        by far one of the techiest diets for with loss.     avoid fast food and processed foods, as
        Studies show that the Mediterranean diet,           they unnecessarily increase your blood
        if followed correctly, can reduce biological        sugar levels.
        age by about 15 %.
          ● Ginger and turmeric are known for their
        anti-inflammatory properties and should
        be a part of your diet.
          ● Probiotics help in maintaining your
        gut flora, which is very essential for good
        health. Have a healthy helping of curds
        daily, to help this flora flourish.                  At the end of the day, everyone ages. It
          ● Antioxidants counter the effects of             is up to us to take steps to see that our
        oxidation in the body, keeping it young             biological age is less than our chronological
        and, in turn, maintaining the biological            one, so we can all lead a healthy life.

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