Page 31 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 31


           The A to Z

           of Ageing

         Dr Nandini Saini spells out the difference in chronological and biological
         ageing with points on how we can stay younger – biologically

         Grey hair, fine lines on the face, papery          Time – It is simply the number of years
         skin, the number of candles on a birthday          passing since your birth. Not affected by
         cake – that’s what most people associate           your environment or your lifestyle.
         ageing with; a number, indicating the              Biological age:
         passage of time since your birth. Is it really     Genetics
         that simple, though?                               There are certain genes which determine
          In fact, it isn’t. We now recognize               age related traits, variations in these could
         ageing to be of different types – namely,          affect you positively or negatively.
         chronological and biological.                      Biomarkers
         Chronological age:                                 Certain biomarkers are associated with
         The amount of time that has passed from            faster ageing, like fasting glucose, cortisol,
         your birth till date. Easy to determine, one       LDH, CRP.
         you don’t have to think twice about.               Diet
         Biological age:                                    A healthy diet lowers the biological age.
         This refers to how old your body tissues           The difference is more apparent in cases
         and cells are, based on physiological              of chronic illnesses, obesity, and history of
         evidence. It depends on various factors,           family disease.
         and is more accurate in predicting                 Studies also found that females were more
         morbidity and mortality.                           particular about diets, than men.
         Factors affecting                                  Exercise
         Chronological age:                                 Studies found that people leading an active

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