Page 30 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 30

striking at the right time, neither before or      good for the team. It did take me back
         belatedly, which ensured the victory.              to my own corporate times, both as an
         The recent epidemic scourge in Covid saw           underling and as an upper echelon with
         different countries and different people           markedly different perceptions and
         reacting and responding differently. This          perspectives whilst at those levels. A
         was a case where both the basis of thought         nuanced observation indeed, but enough to
         and the speed of action were necessary for         want us to ruminate and come to our own
         an effective containment. Most are aware of        conclusions – in any walk of life.
         countries and people who failed miserably           Aptly, it is the auspicious occasion of
         in containing it because of unthoughtful           Makar Sankranti (Makar means Capricorn
         actions and bravura and those who                  and Sankranti means the transition of
         succeeded because of the ‘pause and                the Sun to Capricorn in its journey to the
         pursue’ and cautiousness in approach.              northern hemisphere) and relates to the
         While we can get into endless such                 consequent change of weather. Makar
         examples, the key elements in life and             Sankranti heralds the end of winter and the
         living are prayatna (efforts), kaal (time)         advent of spring. It marks the beginning
         and daiva (God or Supreme or Cosmos).              of the harvest season when the new crops
         Nothing can be achieved without the                are worshipped and shared. The essence of
         right self-effort; nothing can be achieved         the festival is captured in people wishing
         before the right time and nothing can bear         each other a good harvest – agriculturally
         fruition without divine intervention.              and metaphorically. It is celebrated across
         In the course of my discussions with some          India in various forms with a common
         smart and bright NxtGen in the corporate           thread sewing it together.
         world, a differentiated insight that I              “Sow well, harvest bountifully” is the true
         got was that procrastination could be a            spirit behind the “pause and pursue” way
         good personal trait, but not necessarily           of life. Happy Makar Sankranti.

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