Page 39 - Seniorstoday January 2024 Issue
P. 39
2.The Importance of Social Support in
Weight Loss
4.1 Prioritise Protein
Incorporating adequate protein into your
meals, particularly at breakfast, can help
Having strong social support is crucial in regulate hunger hormones and suppress
your weight loss journey. This could come appetite. Pair protein-rich foods with fibre
from family and friends, a coach, or even and healthy fats for a balanced meal.
an online community. Participating in an 4.2 Opt for Whole, Minimally Processed
online support group can help increase Foods
motivation and adherence to weight loss Processed foods often contain high
behaviors. amounts of added sugars, fats, and salt.
On the other hand, whole, minimally
3. The Role of Mindset in Weight Loss processed foods tend to be more nutrient-
dense and satisfying, helping to regulate
calorie intake.
4.3 Limit High-Glycemic Carbohydrate
High-glycemic carbohydrate foods, such
as white potatoes and refined bread, can
cause rapid spikes and drops in blood
sugar, leading to increased hunger and
food intake. A dietitian can provide
individualized guidance on balancing
Your attitude towards weight loss plays a nutrients to prevent blood sugar spikes.
significant role in your success. A positive
mindset, where setbacks are seen as 5. The Power of Planning in Weight Loss
temporary pauses rather than failures,
can make a significant difference. It’s also
important to identify your underlying
motivation for wanting to lose weight. A
desire for better health, for instance, can be
a powerful driver.
4. Dietary Modifications for Weight Loss