Page 36 - Seniors Today - Jan25 Issues
P. 36
Never miss out on the Now
If we miss out on the now, it will I distinctively remember having a long
be a cause of remorse forever, rues conversation with a close friend in the
Nagesh Alai last week of September 2021 and ending it
with a suggestion of going over to his place
We all resolve through our earthly times, in a far away suburb. He was not feeling
especially at the end of the old year, only to up to it due to ill health, but instead said
see it dissolve a few days into the new year. that he would come over to my place in a
For a change, though I am no dipsomaniac, week or two. He was a class mate through
I didn’t imbibe any inebriant on the last my schooling days, from kindergarten to
day of the old year and the first day of the matriculation, and we had been in touch
new year, only to succumb to the tipple on and often. He was a brilliant chemical
at a function a week later. I should have engineer and an author to boot and was
forbidden at that moment, but didn’t, only doing very well professionally. We had a
to be left ruing. The human foible of a healthy regard and respect for each other
fickle mind causes this dissolution, but a and enjoyed our engaging conversations
resolution, which we never stop making, is and resultant osmosis of learning. In
itself a good thing as it is an introspection hindsight, I and he both had lost out on
and acceptance of some frailty or infirmity the ‘now’ moment. My friend passed into
in us that needs fixing. Afterall, the mirror eternity in the first week of October 2021
ensures that we keep reflecting. If we miss leaving behind in me a penitence hard
out on the now, it will be a cause of remorse to live down and a remorse harder to
forever. live with. Only cherished conversations