Page 38 - Seniors Today - Jan25 Issues
P. 38

invasive spread, temporarily alleviated           interactions and joyous moments of the past
         with a localised surgery. The family had          and private conversations on the cell phone
         been informed and sensitised about the            and WhatsApp.
         inevitable terminal end around the corner.          There are several other similar instances
         The window for friends and well-wishers           that one can write about – of relationships,
         to see him at the hospital, post the surgery,     lost love, missed education opportunities
         had opened up for a couple of days only to        in India and abroad, not accepting an
         be closed again within a day since he had         alternate job opportunity, missing out on
         to be treated again to address the virulence      overseas assignments when the option came
         and provide some palliative care. The             up,  missed real estate investments, lost
         hospital saw it fit and necessary to go in for    opportunities in stock markets, indifference
         an immediate discharge so that the final          toward taking up pursuits of passion and
         days could be spent in the comfort of the         several other examples. There could be
         home and the cocoon of the family without         multiple reasons for not striking when
         the disturbance of visitors. Most, including      the moment presents itself to us – it could
         me, could not catch the ‘now’ moment and          be self-doubt, confusion, inability to take
         visit him in the hospital on that particular      risks, lack of prescience, procrastination,
         day and have a brief conversation with            preoccupation with the unimportant,
         him, something that the friend would have         wrong priorities, indifference, lack of
         enjoyed and cherished in the end phase            family support and so many myriad causes.
         of life. Destiny’s will, one could say. The       Invariably, we end up regretting and ruing
         family has been extremely stoic, with the         in retrospect by not acting at a given moment
         wife and son regularly providing some             that destiny had presented to us.
         update, with only hope as the silver lining.        The universe sends signals to all of us at an
         God willing, one may yet get to see the           appropriate time and it is for us to recognise
         friend and spend some time, but till then         it and act at that moment. Never miss out on
         one can only reminisce about the various          the Now.

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