Page 43 - Seniors Today - Jan25 Issues
P. 43
Tingling Sensations:
Causes, Treatment, and Prevention
in the hands or feet is simply sitting or
sleeping in an unusual position. This can
While it may seem like a minor lead to temporary compression of nerves
annoyance, tingling in the hands or and blood vessels, causing the tingling
feet can actually be a sign of a more sensation. In most cases, the tingling will
serious underlying condition, writes go away on its own once the pressure
Dr Aditya Agrawal is relieved. However, if you frequently
experience tingling in your hands or feet, it
may be a sign of an underlying issue.
Tingling in the hands or feet is a One possible cause of tingling in the hands
common sensation that most people have or feet is a pinched nerve. This occurs when
experienced at some point in their lives. It a nerve is compressed or irritated, often
is often described as a “pins and needles” by surrounding tissues such as bones,
feeling or a prickling sensation that can muscles, or tendons. Pinched nerves can
be uncomfortable and sometimes even be caused by repetitive movements, such
painful. While it may seem like a minor as typing on a computer, or by a sudden
annoyance, tingling in the hands or feet injury. In addition to tingling, other
can actually be a sign of a more serious symptoms of a pinched nerve may include
underlying condition. In this article, we numbness, weakness, and pain. If left
will explore the various causes of tingling untreated, a pinched nerve can lead to more
in the feet or hands and discuss possible serious complications, so it is important to
remedies for this uncomfortable sensation. seek medical attention if you suspect you
One of the most common causes of tingling may have one.