Page 50 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 50
possible. Ideally, your bedroom should be requires a lot of consideration and care.
quiet, dark and at a temperature less than Some of these medications can lead to
75 degrees Fahrenheit (about 23 degrees dependence and risk of withdrawal.
Celsius). You should use your bed only for You should always speak with your
sleeping. Try to avoid looking at your cell doctor before taking any medications for
phone, working, playing video games, or insomnia.
watching TV in bed. Hence, while insomnia is not a
Your doctor may also recommend the normal part of the aging process, its
following to help you sleep well at night: prevalence increases with age. Factors
• Get exercise and eat nutritious meals. such as medications and medical and
• Avoid tobacco and caffeine. psychiatric disorders can increase the
• Practice going to bed only when you’re risk for insomnia. In order to diagnose
tired. Lying awake in bed can be harmful to insomnia, it is important for older adults to
a good night’s rest. If you’re lying awake in complete comprehensive sleep and health
bed for 20 minutes without feeling sleepy, histories. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
you should get up and keep busy in another for Insomnia, which includes stimulus
room until you feel tired again. control, sleep restriction, sleep hygiene,
• Commit to waking up at the same time and cognitive therapy, is the recommended
each morning and avoid napping during first-line treatment for insomnia and is
the day. more effective than medications for the
• Keep a sleep diary. Record your time long-term management of insomnia.
asleep and awake, how long it takes to fall Medications such as benzodiazepines and
asleep each night, and other important antidepressants should be avoided for
patterns. Based on your sleep diary notes, a the treatment of insomnia in older adults.
doctor may tell you to restrict your time in Alternatives, such as pranic healing or
bed each night until your sleep improves. ayurveda could be considered.
Once you can sleep for at least 90% of the
time you spend in bed, you can begin to go
to sleep earlier.
If these treatments are not effective, Remember that “Sleep is an investment
your doctor may consider prescribing in the energy you need to be effective
sleep medications. Choosing appropriate tomorrow… and of course, Sleep is the best
insomnia medication for older adults meditation.”