Page 47 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 47

realities we cannot overlook among the
         senior population. Throw into the mix              were asked to complete questionnaires
         physical limitations and deteriorating             measuring loneliness in offline (real-
         health, and this conundrum exacerbates. If         world) and online (VR) scenarios. Results
         you’re seeking some respite during these           indicated that participants generally felt
         trying times (and beyond), you’ll want to          less lonely and socially anxious in a VR
         integrate VR into your lives.                      environment compared to real-world
          Virtual reality opens the digital sphere,         settings. Additionally, those who were part
         teleporting you into a parallel reality that       of a virtual support group (VSG) reported
         boosts community interaction, captivating          even lower levels of loneliness and social
         discourses, and kinetic activities. This           anxiety.
         facilitates meaningful discussions and              Virtual reality applications like Alcove
         creates a sense of community among like-           VR, Meta Quest 2, and Engage VR provide
         minded individuals.                                immersive environments where older
          Although studies are still limited on             adults can connect, engage in various
         the use of VR in combatting loneliness,            activities, and share experiences.
         researchers are steadily gaining interest
         in it. In a study by Nature, 74 participants       VR Is Changing the Game for Seniors
                                                            VR does everything from combating
                                                            loneliness and keeping the mind and body
                                                            in good shape to transporting you to far-
                                                            flung places. Sure, there is a slight learning
                                                            curve to this technology, but with a little
                                                            bit of perseverance, you can immerse
                                                            yourself in a vast array of applications
                                                            brimming with virtual yet authentic

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