Page 49 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 49

hormone, we do not sleep as well. It is            may be dealing with a sleep disorder like
         important to try and get the early morning         insomnia:
         sun on ourself for at least five minutes           • Have trouble falling asleep even though
         every week… not more than that! This               you feel tired
         will help regulate the melatonin levels,           • Have trouble getting back to sleep when
         hopefully.                                         awakened
          Our sleep cycles change as we age, too.           • Do not feel refreshed after a night’s sleep
         A typical sleep cycle is divided into four         • Feel irritable or sleepy during the day
         stages: two stages of “light” non-rapid eye        • Have difficulty staying awake when
         movement (NREM) sleep, one stage of                sitting still, watching TV, or driving
         “slow-wave” or “heavy” NREM sleep, and             • Have difficulty concentrating during the
         a final stage of rapid eye movement (REM)          day
         sleep before the cycle begins again.               • Rely on sleeping pills or alcohol to fall
          Older people tend to experience less time         asleep
         in the “slow-wave” NREM stage. This                • Have trouble controlling your emotions
         can make them more likely to wake up
         throughout the night, ultimately leaving           Causes of Insomnia
         them tired in the morning. Many people             Many things can cause insomnia in older
         describe it as a feeling of never getting          adults, including:
         enough rest no matter how hard they try,           • Normal changes in sleep patterns that
         leaving them groggy and sluggish during            occur with age
         the day.                                           • Medications, including antidepressants,
                                                            medicines to treat high blood pressure, or
                                                            nasal decongestants
                                                            • Other sleep disorders, such as sleep
                                                            apnea or restless legs syndrome
                                                            • Other health conditions, like dementia,
                                                            • Alzheimer’s, chronic pain, diabetes, or
                                                            respiratory diseases
                                                            • Mental illness, including depression and
                                                            • Lifestyle habits, such as napping or lack
         Symptoms of Insomnia                               of physical activity
         Aside from becoming more “light sleepers”          • Caffeine or alcohol when consumed
         as we age, it is common to want to go to           before bedtime
         sleep earlier in the evening and wake up           • Smoking, especially before bed
         earlier in the morning. You may also feel          • Chronic stress or stress that lasts for a
         the need to sleep longer at night or take          long time
         naps throughout the day.
          In most cases, such sleep changes                 Treatment for Insomnia
         are normal and do not indicate a sleep             One of the first things your doctor
         problem. However, if you experience any            might recommend is to create the most
         of the following symptoms regularly, you           welcoming, peaceful bedroom environment

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