Page 46 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 46
moderately difficult rock and skyscraper cycling, paddling, and painting. It also
climbing works your upper body muscles combines social, physical, and cognitive
effectively. modes and showcases your growth
trajectory through metrics for added
Keeps the Mind Sharp motivation. Beyond games, the platform
The mind is akin to a machine, and like has plenty of live sessions conducted by
any top-functioning machine, keeping it hosts, including Move and Groove, book
smoothly working requires some work on clubs, mindfulness practices, and more.
your part, especially in your golden years. Bridges the Gap Between the Present
According to research, virtual reality Reality and Unfulfilled Desires
keeps your cognitive wheel spinning by Older adults ‘now’ may be far removed
strengthening neural connectors needed from their desires. This discrepancy can
for memory retention and attentional stem from various factors, such as health
control. In other words, it rewires your issues, social isolation, limited mobility, or
brain to function at its optimal health. This lack of access to fulfilling activities.
positive impact is seen in a University of However, VR can transport you across
Maryland study that reports enhanced the globe, or even to Mars. And if it’s a
memory accuracy of up to 8.8% while crazy, hollering rollercoaster ride you’re
using VR. after, who says you can’t hop into a virtual
Emerging scientific research even cart? For instance, the Grand Canyon VR
promises that VR exergaming (video games experience by Immersive Entertainment
involving physical movement) prevents invites voyagers to cruise along the Grand
memory loss in seniors with Alzheimer’s Canyon. Depending on your mood, you can
and Parkinson’s, and neurological issues opt for a daylight or moonlit view, feed fish
such as multiple sclerosis. However, as you steer your kayak, or halt and soak
Ryan Glatt, board-certified health coach in the scenery.
at Pacific Brain Health Center tells Everest VR by Solfar Studios is a
CNET, “This (VR gaming) isn’t a magic beginner-friendly adventure with five
pill. Many people might feel immediate scenic pit stops and detailed narratives,
improvements, but to retain the benefits culminating at Mount Everest’s Summit.
we need repeated exposure, just like with Those with an art inclination and a
regular exercise.” thirst for knowledge won’t want to miss
experiencing The VR Museum of Fine Art
from Finn Sinclair. With each painting’s
brushstroke popping out and a 360-degree
view of Michelangelo’s David, its attention
to detail is out-of-this-world.
Through immersive digital experiences
like VR, what once seemed out of reach can
now become your lived reality.
RendeverFit, a standout VR platform, lets Reduces Feelings of Loneliness
you choose between three core modules: Loneliness and social isolation are