Page 45 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 45


         4 Ways Virtual Reality

         Improves Senior Living

         While adopting a new technology isn’t the most straightforward feat,
         virtual reality (VR) makes the effort worthwhile, writes Karishma Joshi

         While adopting a new technology isn’t the          physical training results in more strength,
         most straightforward feat, virtual reality         flexibility, agility, and cardiorespiratory
         (VR) makes the effort worthwhile.                  fitness in older adults.
          For the uninitiated, VR is a 3D simulation         As seniors, it’s common to adopt a limited
         that transports you into an interactive            mindset about the body’s capabilities, often
         virtual space once you don a pair of glasses       succumbing to the age-old belief that the
         or a headset. Initially popularised in the         body inevitably declines with time. While
         video games industry, this technology              there’s some truth to this, the emergence
         is now injecting the same gamification             of VR certainly changes the narrative. By
         principles into another burgeoning market:         infusing an interactive experience into
         senior living. That’s right, VR is becoming        your otherwise dull exercise routine, VR
         a medium for older adults to socially              can take your fitness to another level (and
         engage and stay physically and mentally            it won’t have to feel like a chore).
         active.                                             Some must-try fitness VR games that can
          Here are four ways virtual reality benefits       add a dash of excitement to your fitness
         individuals over 60:                               journey include Beat Saber, FitXR, and The
         Enhances Physical Activity                         Climb 2. Beat Saber is a rhythm game in
         Immersing yourself in a VR fitness                 which players slice cubes with lightsabers
         experience is some parts challenging for           to the beat of the music, while FitXR is a
         the body but all parts enjoyable. A study          virtual fitness club offering dance, HIIT,
         by Sage Journals reveals that VR-based             and box workouts. And the Climb 2’s

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