Page 50 - Seniorstoday July 2022 Issue
P. 50
the age of 50 lead a sedentary lifestyle. Less deadlines, families, to name a few.
activity means less calories burned, which Stress causes our body to release
leads to weight gain. adrenalin and cortisol, which increase fat
storage in the body. Continued stress over
7.Lifestyle changes a period of time can lead to a large quantity
With age, come added responsibilities of fat being stored, causing weight gain.
– family, children. The time you earlier
had for yourself, has to be divided 11.Medication
between work, family, children, social The list of medicines that can cause weight
engagements. It can be difficult to take time gain, either by water retention, or slowing
out for exercising or following a diet which down metabolism, or causing hormonal
requires a lot of preparation, causing one to imbalances, is fairly long.
gain weight. Anti-depressants can affect the appetite
center in the brain, giving you frequent and
8.Sleeping habits unexpected hunger pangs.
Our sleeping habits have an effect on our Steroids cause water retention in the
overall health, including our metabolism. body, causing weight gain.
Inadequate sleep has since long been Certain anti hypertensives, containing
associated with reduced BMR and weight beta blockers, can lower the metabolic rate,
gain. leading to weight gain.
Studies have shown that people who are How does one lose the weight?
sleep deprived tend to crave fatty or sweet There are various methods you can try
food; they also seem to indulge in more to lose weight- exercise, diet, lifestyle
frequent, larger helpings. This, obviously, changes. Usually, a combination works
leads to weight gain. Insufficient sleep also best to get the desired results.
affects the body’s ability to regulate the
appetite controlling hormones- ghrelin and 1.Exercise
leptin. Exercise is a great way to burn up calories,
and goes a long way towards weight loss.
9.Depression Consistent exercise is suggested to keep
With our lifestyles being what they are, eight in control, so you should choose
compounded by hormonal changes, the ones suited to you. Though vigorous
depression is a common condition these exercises burn calories the fastest, it might
days. It tends to pull one down, and be difficult to continue them over a long
inclination to actually work out, exercise, period of time; swimming, walking or
reduces. Depression can also make a cycling are good alternatives. At least half
person indulge in comfort food, load up on an hour of exercise for a minimum of five
fatty, sweet delicacies. It can all cause one days a week is recommended.
to gain weight.
2.Muscle strengthening
10.Stress Muscle build up or at least muscle
Stress is a part of our lives…as we grow strengthening is very important to weight
older, the reasons for stress increase. Jobs, loss. The stronger your muscles, higher is