Page 51 - Seniorstoday July 2022 Issue
P. 51
the calorie count burned by the body. resistance or strength training leads to
muscle build up, in turn burning a large
3.Hire a trainer number of calories. The “after burn” effect
The biggest hurdle to losing weight is of this exercise also helps utilize calories
finding the motivation and the inclination and burn fat.
to work out…perform the last 10 sit ups, An added benefit is that the more the
swim the extra lap. Having a trainer to talk muscle build up, higher is the RMR
you through them push you a bit more, is (resting metabolic rate) or the rate at which
always beneficial. a resting body burns fat. It is thus one of
the most consistent methods of weight loss.
Check the medicines you’re having. If 8.Hormonal therapy
they’re the ones causing weight gain, maybe If your weight gain is due to a medical
you could get alternative medication. condition- hypothyroidism, insulin
resistance – you should take the
5.Reduce the stress recommended medicines, which wll help
Its easier said than done, but reducing treat the disease and reduce weight.
stress is paramount to losing those extra
kgs…try meditation, cooking, gardening- 9.Sleep
these are some of the activities that act as a You should try to sleep for 6 to7 hours a
stress buster. night, with amybe a half hour nap in the
afternoons. Sleep helps set your circadian
6.Yoga rhythm, and helps keep the appetite
Yoga can make your body flexible and hormones (ghrelin and leptin) in check.
enable you to push it further, for exercises
more vigorous in nature. It also helps you 10.Check weight
relax. Make it a habit to weigh yourself at least
twice a week, if not more. It’ll give you
an idea if you’ve started to put on weight.
It is always easier to lose a few kgs, if
you notice it early on. Trying to lose a lot
of weight can become cumbersome and
11.Food habits-
Don’t skip your breakfast
The age-old advice of breakfast being the
7.Resistance training most important meal of the day still holds
Resistance training is any form of exercise rue…never skip it. Its ok to keep it simple-
using resistance which the muscles need a bowl of oats, some fresh fruit, a glass of
to overcome. It could be weights, bands or milk. But do have something as you begin
your own bodyweight. your day.
It has been observed that repetitive Cook right