Page 52 - Seniorstoday July 2022 Issue
P. 52

Try to use the methods of cooking which            Foods to avoid
         use less fat…boiling, broiling, grilling.          Sugar
         High protein                                       Excess sugar in any form gets stored in the
         Proteins are a difficult food to digest- the       body as fat, leading to weight gain. Besides,
         body utilizes a lot of calories to break           it can cause insulin spikes, which, over a
         them down. Also, proteins are known to             period of time, also cause an increase in
         stimulate secretion of leptin, the hormone         weight.
         that controls satiety – even small portions        Salt
         can keep one feeling full for hours. Eggs,         Salt, when taken in excess, can cause fluid
         chicken, fish are all rich sources of protein.     accumulation in the body, increasing body
         cottage cheese, Cheese, tofu, mushrooms,           weight.
         lentils are good vegetarian sources.               Reduce drinks
         Carbohydrates                                      Aerated drinks and packed juices
         A common perception is to avoid carbs              invariably have high concentrations
         in order to achieve weight loss. However,          of sugar as well as preservatives, both
         carbs are a source of energy, and shouldn’t        of which can result in weight gain, if
         be completely eliminated from your diet.           consumed in large quantities.
          It is suggested that about 40% of your diet        Alcohol, too, is high in sugar and empty
         should be carbs, focusing on leafy veggies         calories. Besides, it can increase cravings
         and fruits, avoiding cakes, cookies etc.           for sweets and fatty food, causing weight
         Healthy snacks                                     gain.
         Try opting for a fruit or handful of nuts the
         next time you feel like munching…They’re           12.Intermittent fasting
         healthier, with fewer calories, no added salt      It may sound difficult, but intermittent
         and sugars.                                        fasting is actually quite easily achieved.
         Fruits and veggies                                 Start by fasting for 8 to 9 hours,  having
         Low in calories, high in multivits, fruits         small portions of healthy food. Not only
         and veggies are ideal foods for weight loss.       are you giving your system a break from
         You can have them raw, or as salads or stir        constant eating, you can also limit your
         fry’s. Experiment with them to get some            portions.
         interesting salads or smoothies.
         Whole grains                                       13.Consult a doctor
         Whether its wheat, barley, or oats, grains         At times, the weight just keeps on adding,
         are always good for you. Studies have              in spite of your best efforts. There is a
         shown that people consuming whole grains,          chance there could be an underlying
         as opposed to refined ones, tend to lose           medical condition causing the weight gain,
         more weight, at a faster rate.                     requiring medical or surgical intervention.
         Beans                                              Do not hesitate to approach a doctor with
         High in proteins well as fiber, these are very     your concerns.
         good for weight loss. Not only the proteins         With a little bit of discipline, exercise and
         and starch in them utilise fat to get digested,    a good diet plan, losing weight, even at the
         they also produce gut bacteria which help          age of 50 or more, should be a manageable
         metabolism.                                        task.

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