Page 49 - Seniorstoday July 2022 Issue
P. 49

especially around the abdomen.                     one weak and unable to exercise as per the
         Andropause                                         body’s requirements, leading to weight
         20 to 30 % of men in their 50s and more            gain.
         suffer- they show decreased levels of
         testosterone in their systems.
          It can lead to decreased muscle mass,
         fatigue, chances of osteoporosis,
         depression- all of which tend to cause
         weight gain.
         The thyroid gland, located in the neck,
         produces hormones which control the body
         metabolism. Age reduces the production of
         these hormones, causing hypothyroidism,            4. Diseases –
         a deficiency that results in reduced               Orthopedic conditions
         metabolic rate, causing weight gain, among         Suffering from a condition such as gout
         other symptoms.                                    or arthritis makes it harder to exercise,
         Hormones controlling appetite                      leading to weight gain.
         It has been observed that Ghrelin and              Diabetes
         leptin, the hormones controlling appetite          People suffering from diabetes, either 1 or
         and satiety, respectively, show an                 type 2, have a tendency to be on the heavier
         imbalance as age advances…it can cause             side. Also, insulin therapy, if prescribed,
         one to feel hungry frequently, as well as          can cause weight gain, as insulin allows
         reducing one’s satiety…you eat more, you           glucose to be absorbed in to the cells. Any
         gain weight.                                       excess glucose is converted to fat and
         Studies show that genetics may be                  5.Reduced metabolism
         responsible for 50% of weight gain in the          It is a well-known fact that our metabolic
         middle aged. Environment is probably               rate reduces with age. Though recent
         responsible for the rest. Age naturally            studies show it might not reduce at 50, but
         makes one sedentary, and an individual             probably closer to 60 years of age, it does
         with a genetic pre disposition tends to gain       reduce.
         weight faster.                                      A reduced metabolism means less use of
                                                            calories and fat in the body, which, in turn,
         3.Loss of muscle mass                              means weight gain.
         Sarcopenia, or loss of muscle mass, affects
         about 10% of people over the age of 50.            6.Sedentary lifestyle
         A sedentary life, less protein in the diet,        Age tends to make one slower. Whether it
         stress, all contribute to it.                      is joint complaints, low energy levels, lack
          Muscle burns more calories than fat, and          of inclination, or a busy schedule, the time
         a reduction in muscle mass equals less             taken for actual physical activities reduces.
         calories burned by the body. It also makes         Studies show that 60 to 80%of people over

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