Page 12 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 12

are friends and not lovers.                        could be just reading or watching a show.
                                                            You don’t feel like you have to be constantly
                                                            talking, so you never struggle to find topics
                                                            of conversation to fill the void.

                                                            3. You always laugh when you’re together.
                                                            Your ‘bestie’ will share your same sense
                                                            of humor, which means you’ll constantly
                                                            crack jokes and laugh together. Even if
                                                            the timing of the punchline is off, you can
          I know of a 69-year-old woman who                 always count on them to laugh. You have
         reconnected with her high school flame             numerous inside jokes between the two
         after a 56-year separation. She calls him her      of you that you find hilarious, but no one
         soulmate. They were meant to be together           else would really understand. Because you
         during the later years of their lives.             get each other’s sense of humor so well,
                                                            you will probably find yourself giggling
                                                            in the most random places and situations.
                                                            The quality of laughter defines your

                                                            4. Your friendship bloomed naturally.
                                                            A soulmate relationship with a friend
          Are you wondering if you’ve found your            often comes when you least expect it. The
         best friend soulmate? The following deep           best part is that these types of friendships
         soul connection signs will help you better         grow naturally. Maybe it was similar to
         understand your relationship.                      love at first sight. There was an instant and
                                                            unmistakable connection instead of going
         1. You push each other to become a better          through the typical awkward stage of a new
         person.                                            friendship. You just get each other. From
         The foundation for a deep soul connection          the beginning, you never felt like you had
         is that you push each other to become a            to force things. Your close bond developed
         better person inside and out. They are a           naturally, and there will forever be a
         positive influence in your life, and being         mutual understanding between the two of
         with them has a noticeable effect on your          you.
         happiness and wellbeing.
                                                            5. You overlook each other’s flaws.
         2. You can sit in silence comfortably.             Everyone has flaws, but when it comes to
         For many people, silence feels awkward, so         a friend you have a deep soul connection
         they feel an urge to fill it with meaningless      with, you’ll be able to overlook them easily.
         small talk. Sitting in silence is comforting       This doesn’t mean they’re perfect – no one
         rather than unsettling. You are so used to         is! You can recognize their imperfections.
         being together that you’re totally fine just       Not only will you tolerate their flaws, but
         relaxing in each other’s company. You              you may grow to care for them even more

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