Page 11 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 11
or two very dear friends with whom they you must first understand that humans are
can discuss their personal issues. In India, not meant to be alone and that the purpose
the concept of a soulmate is not very well of a relationship is not merely to get our
understood. You could have a best friend individual needs met—but rather as a
who is your soulmate. challenge to grow—and to help our partners
When most people hear the word reach their potential.
soulmate, they think of a romantic partner. The guiding principle in a relationship
However, sometimes soulmates aren’t between soulmates is that needs are equally
lovers but rather close friends. met because a soulmate relationship should
A platonic soul partner is someone you challenge you to move from selfishness
share a deep and meaningful connection to giving. When you understand that a
with. In other words, your relationship relationship is not about control or the
goes deeper than the average friendship. simple need of fulfillment but is essential
You have unconditional love for each other, to our psychological and spiritual
but that love is purely platonic. There is development, then you’re open to the
no romance or sexual desire between the possibility of meeting your soulmate.
two of you. Contrary to popular belief, you Sometimes a spouse or a lover can be a
can even have more than one soulmate. soulmate and romantic soulmates ignite
If you’ve never heard of platonic soul one another’s passion throughout their
connections, you’re probably wondering time together. They have the capacity to
what it means or how to know if you’ve bring one another to heights of physical
found one. and emotional pleasure. However, we’ve
It is also a common misconception all experienced breakups, even if we were
that the term ‘soulmate’ is reserved for with someone who hit the hot and heavy
romantic partners, but you can also have a metal. Passion can be a brief flame that
completely platonic soulmate. burns hot and then extinguishes. For those
rare romantic spouse soulmates, the flame
burns continuously because they’re both
committed to keeping the fire burning
throughout their time together.
The difference between India and the West
is that in the West everything is sexual, they
cannot imagine that two guys/ girls can just
be good friends. The West cannot fathom
It’s the realisation that this person who if two guys are holding hands they could
shares your life is a part of yourself. A be merely giving each other mental and
soulmate is an individual who has a lasting emotional support. Maybe they have never
impact on your life. Your soulmate is your heard of non-sexual intimacy and aren’t
fellow traveler on the journey of life—you sure what it means – this type of intimacy
need one another to grow beyond the is a strong bond between two individuals
limitations of your individual selves. who share a special relationship. It is a
I believe everyone could discover their supportive and respectful relationship
soulmate. However, to find your soulmate, where you have similar interests but you