Page 14 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 14
Where has
love gone?
In the layers of emotions that a longstanding relationship represents, it’s essential to
remember that losing feelings does not always equate to losing love.
By Team Seniors Today
In India the relationship of a couple is below become problems in marriages
quite different to that of a couple in the that never get resolved and couples
West, say, the US or the UK. A couple in stoically live through the agony of a failed
India is tied up with in-laws, kids and a relationship.
large number of relatives who somehow Unravelling the reasons behind
hold on to each other. In the West, the fading affection can often feel like
children grow up and are forced to embarking on a complex emotional
leave home, and once they leave, the archaeological expedition. The reasons
relationship with the kids kind-of dims are multifaceted, ranging from personal
and the couple live for each other. In growth to relationship dynamics,
India, it is quite different. The kids grow and understanding these can provide
up, parents get them married, they have clarity and perspective. We evolve as
grandkids and parents are involved in individuals. Our requirements, desires,
looking after their grandchildren’s and and life situations may shift over time.
the cycle of life begins again. In all of this, This growth can result in a definite drift
the couple’s feelings for each other often from each other. Lingering unresolved
fade. disputes or constant disagreements
Team Seniors Today researched into (family issues can be the root cause of
long-term relationship of married marital problems) can erode the sense of
couples, some of the issues mentioned love and connection, leading to apathetic