Page 17 - Seniorstoday June2023
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concerned looks. The class system, and            would be planting tomatoes or cabbages
         the attendant culture of cap doffing, still       and enjoying their pints. At 74, Charles is a
         runs deep in 21st-century Britain, while the      caretaker King.
         prevailing influence of the House of Windsor       But one look at the current figures, and a
         and the old establishment it represents is        sense of the general mood, suggests that the
         such that almost nobody questions it.             momentum and the demographics seem very
          In the meantime, a ‘Not My King.’ protest        much set against the reign of Charles III. The
         has started in Britain. According to a            same is not true, however, of his son William
         Washington Post report, one noticeable            and his wife Kate, who remain popular with
         difference between the reigns of King             both pollsters and tabloids, and perhaps the
         Charles III and Queen Elizabeth II is the         time will come when Charles steps aside to
         splash of yellow at almost all of Charles’s       secure the future of the throne for another
         public engagements. A gaggle of protesters,       generation.
         sometimes shouting and booing, hold aloft          In India, we have our own Raja-Rani stories
         bright yellow signs that read “Not My King.”      and yet without standing for election, no
         They are hard to miss.                            king can enter parliament and that’s how far
          The justification for monarchy is that it        we have progressed. Britain at last accepts
         “brings in tourists”, provides stability and      that the Kohinoor was forcibly taken from
         makes Britain the envy of the world. But          Maharaja Duleep Singh. The empire has
         other equally advanced countries seem to          finally struck back with Rishi Sunak, a
         have managed to get by, and thrive, without       Hindu prime minister. India must demand an
         a king or queen. At 74, most men in England       apology for the Jalianwala Baug massacre.

                                            “Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want
                                            to give, but cannot. All the unspent love gathers up in the cor-
                                            ners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in the hollow
                                            part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.”
                                            – Jamie Anderson

                                            Psychologists believe writing about grief can reduce pain. Research
                                            has found that putting down one’s thoughts about worries and con-
                 Share                      cerns can help those looking for ways to cope with their grief.

                  Your                      While writing requires motivation, energy and dedication, it’s easy,
                                            less stressful and all one needs is a pen, paper, computer or your
                                            device keypad. You don’t have to talk to anyone about it.
                  Grief                     At Seniors Today, we are happy to provide you a forum to publish

                                            your personal accounts. Simply mail them to us at
                                   with Share Your Grief in the subject.
                                            Please also include your name and contact number so that we may
                                            contact you in case we wish to make any clarification. While we
                                            would like you to write the first person account with your name,
                                            we will – needless to say – not disclose your information if you
                                            wouldn’t like us to.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #48 | JUNE 2023                                                               17
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