Page 15 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 15

and respiratory system exercise is also a
                                                            great mood booster and supports brain
                                                            and spinal health. It is important to do
                                                            some kind of physical activity as simple
                                                            as carrying your own shopping bags. My
                                                            grandmother would get up in the morning,
                                                            churn the buttermilk while reciting her
                                                            prayers, have a bath and continued her
                                                            prayers recitation. By 8.30am, ready
                                                            breakfast for a household of 10, fresh
          When we age, we lose muscle strength              paranthas, fresh makhan and some
         particularly we lose fast twitch muscle            buttermilk in the summer. The kitchen was
         fibres. They are the ones that prevent us          her domain. She cooked lunch, afternoon
 The best thing about   from falling when you catch your foot on   tea and dinner herself. Her simple logic
                                                            was that all this activity would keep
         the step and need to steady yourself fast.
 being 50 is that you   The net result of all these changes increases   her healthier otherwise she would get
         our vulnerability to disease as even a small       bedridden very fast.
 are not 60!  fall can result in a fracture, which runs a    The trick is to prioritise what we love and

         chain of other complications.                      find interest that requires physical and
          Ageing is a fact that many of us don’t want       mental engagement. It could be Sudoku,
         to face literally. Yet with every tick of the      gardening, knitting, cooking – not the usual
         clock, each one of us is ageing. To accept         dal chawal stuff but something that you
         that we are getting old and change your            haven’t done before. YouTube is a great
         lifestyle is easier said and done.                 source for recipes. Just going shopping for
          Once you understand the process                   groceries, vegetables can become a mood
         of ageing, you can give it into it and             changer.
         understand what you can and cannot                  Today, psychiatrists have developed a
         control. It is probably the only way to
         enjoy the journey of ageing and retain your
         independence. Ageing affects every system
         of the body and different parts get impacted
         differently. There is also an extraordinary
         level of variability amongst older people.
         No two 60 year olds age alike.
          A lot of research is being done to find the
         magical anti-ageing pill and as of now there
         is no answer but the right supplements
         and vitamins help make the journey more
          The only answer to anti-ageing is exercise;
         it produces beneficial effects and pretty
         much everything we need. Exercise
         improves muscle strength, cardiovascular

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