Page 11 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 11

They are also a good source of omega 3 fatty       general good health. They are also found
         acids, whichhelp reduce bad cholesterol            to be rich in Folic acid, ensuring a healthy
         and increase thegood one in the body. They         pregnancy, with reduced chances of neural
         keep the heart and the brain healthy.              defects in the fetus.

         Seaweed                                            Grains
         Sea vegetables that are filled with nutrition,     • Bran flakes
         they contain bioactive compounds not               Made of the outer layer of wheat kernel,
         found in land vegetable. They are packed           it is extremely rich in fibre(about 30
         withanti-oxidants, folate, iodine and Vit          mgs of bran can provide 99 % of your
         K- and help with clotting, fighting free           daily requirement), which makes it a
         radicals.                                          natural laxative. It can also help in weight
                                                             It is known to lower the LDL cholesterol,
                                                            and increase HDL levels (good cholesterol).
                                                            It thus improves the lipid profile, and
                                                            keeps the heart healthy.
                                                            • Steel cut oats
                                                            Less processed than the regular oats, they
                                                            boast of higher fibre content and are a
                                                            better choice for weight loss. The fiber and
                                                            high protein content together means they
         Eggs                                               keep you feeling full for longer, reducing
         Though eggs have been a preferred                  those in between snacks.
         breakfast for the longest time, it was             • Barley
         recommended thatwe limit the use of eggs           A good source of beta glucan, it could
         as the yolk has high cholesterol levels.           help lower cholesterol and control hyper
         Now, however, it is believed that eggs when        tension.
         eaten in moderation are very healthy.              • Brown rice
         High in protein, eggs are recommended for          The fibre, vitamins and minerals contained
         weight loss as well as for increasing muscle       in the rice husk provide you withanti-
         strength.                                          inflammatory protection. They are said to
          The multivitamins and anti-oxidants they          protect the heart, and also reduce diabetes.
         contain help increase immunity as well as           They are one of the best sources of

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