Page 16 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 16

theory of self-sabotage. We start thinking         disease and no matter what you do, you
         that we are getting old and we can’t do            are definitely leave this world one day. It’s
         certain things and this becomes a vicious          time to focus on ageing well rather than the
         cycle. Your belief that you are less capable       idea that getting older means that one is
         eventually leads you to becoming less              approaching death, which is only a moment
         capable, less mobile and less social. To           at the end of life’s journey. Once you accept
         fight these, we need physical and mental           that it can be quite liberating.  This is the
         engagement to keep our mind away                   time to think that you are not dead and life
         from these negative thoughts. There are            is to be lived. One should enjoy the living as
         everyday things that all of us should do           much as one can.
         to enable us to lead our lives to the fullest       As I turned 70, I saw this old man and I
         extent possible. We should think of what           saw myself just as I am. Do I wish I was 30
         makes us happy and set some tasks, goals           again? Not really! I have lived life to the
         and objectives for each day or week that           fullest in every decade.
         may give us a sense of purpose.                     Yeh duniya ek sarah hai.
          The fact is that even if you have the              Yahaan ki har cheez hai aani-jani
         healthiest exercise, diet and social regime in      Yeh jawaani jo jaane na aayi
         the world you could still suffer from some          Aur yeh budhapa jo aake na jai

                                                “Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the
                                                love you want to give, but cannot. All the unspent
                                                love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the
                                                lump in your throat, and in the hollow part of your
                                                chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.” – Jamie

                                                Psychologists believe writing about grief can reduce
                                                pain. Research has found that putting down one’s
                                                thoughts about worries and concerns can help those
                                                looking for ways to cope with their grief.

                 Share                          While writing requires motivation, energy and ded-
                                                ication, it’s easy, less stressful and all one needs is a
                                                pen, paper, computer or your device keypad. You don’t
                  Your                          have to talk to anyone about it.

                  Grief                         At Seniors Today, we are happy to provide you a
                                                forum to publish your personal accounts. Simply mail
                                                them to us at with Share
                                                Your Grief in the subject. Please also include your
                                                name and contact number so that we may contact you
                                                in case we wish to make any clarification. While we
                                                would like you to write the first person account with
                                                your name, we will – needless to say – not disclose
                                                your information if you wouldn’t like us to.

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