Page 18 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 18
Word is a Wordle
The puzzle’s simple and semi-intellectual model ensuring a universal appeal,
writes Nagesh Alai
You have to get in your word if you have and several others. Each of them is trying
to have the last say. So, what better way to be a differentiator and trying to attain a
to start on the subject than find the right ‘difficult’ or ‘intellectual’ tag. Not just word
word. The world may be at war, NATO, games, even arithmetic games have sprung
WTO and UN notwithstanding, but they up, like Nerdle, Instant Nerdle and many
are very much united in getting the right others. At one level, these are happy and
word to say to each other every day. Thanks healthy diversions, but at a deeper level,
to the latest word fad called Wordle. they have the potential to dumb down
Those active in the social media will see minds to the lowest common denominator,
a proliferation of posts by all and sundry, impact productivity and misplaced notions
conveying their success at the ‘resolution’ about one’s capabilities. But, to me, it is
of the day’s word. I have a friend who better to look at the good rather than the
makes it a point to solve it before the sun bad in anything.
rises and post on the group his achievement I recall my growing up days of waking
for the day. Several post on FB and even up to be the first to read the newspapers (
LinkedIn as though it is necessary for their Indian Express and Times of India ), not
resumes. just for the latest news, but to have a go at
Wordle for sure has become the rage of the crossword of the day. They were tough
the world, its simple and semi-intellectual to solve and I should confess that I never
model ensuring a universal appeal. So could solve them fully given the level of
much so that clones are already flooding complexity. But it never deterred me and
the social space – to name a few, Wordle 2, I kept at it; it developed in me a habit of
Daily Quordle, Daily Octordle, Squareword looking up dictionaries and thesaurus