Page 13 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 13

Green tea                                          contain almost 400% of your daily dose of
         Considered healthy since ancient times,            Vit A. Not only do they protect your eye,
         tea isknown to prevent a large number of           they also increase the immunity and keep
         diseases. It is said to help preventheart          the heart and kidneys healthy.
         conditions such as atherosclerosis.                • Potato
         It contains Catechin, a powerful anti-             Filled with phytonutrients like carotenoids
         oxidantwhich, along with the caffeine helps        and flavonoids, as well as high amounts of
         in weight loss.                                    Vit C, they are good anti-oxidants and may
                                                            also help lower cholesterol. A high fiber
                                                            content as well as potassium levels help
                                                            controlling hypertension and maintain
                                                            brain functioning.

         Fats and oils                                     Edamame
         • Peanut butter                                   Immature soybeans, they none the less
         Not only is this spread high in proteins, it      pack quite a punch! A high protein content,
         also contains arginine, an amino acid that        fiber, multi vitamins make it a very healthy
         keeps blood vessels healthy.                      choice of food. They are good for weight
         • Canola oil                                      control, provide a vegetarian source of
         Very rich in alpha linolenic acid, 1tbsp. can     protein and help protect the gut.
         fulfil your daily requirement of omega 3          Studies show that the flavonoids it contains
         fatty acids. It’s also quite rich in Vitamin C.   may help women (especially Asian), fight
                                                             Do remember, no food, however healthy
                                                           it might be, is a complete meal by itself.
                                                           An ideal diet is one that comprises of fats,
                                                           carbs, proteins and multivitamins. Always
                                                           combine fruits, veggies, meats, dairy
                                                           products and grains in a proper proportion
                                                           so you can reap the benefits.

         • Sweet potato
         An excellent source of beta carotene, they

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