Page 23 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 23

“Panjiri” -  a traditional dish made using         fall, and providing nourishment to the hair
         dry fruits, flour and sugar, is made using         follicles.
         ghee liberally , and fed to women who have         Weight management
         just delivered, to help them heal faster,          Butter is made of long chain fatty acids,
         strengthen their bones and body.                   which help in weight loss and weight
                                                            maintenance. It’s also a rich source of
                                                            iodine- important for the functioning of the
                                                            thyroid gland, which helps in metabolism
                                                            and weight management.
                                                            Enhances GIT function
                                                            Research shows that normal GIT function
                                                            requires the presence of certain lipids,
                                                            which are found in butter. They help in
                                                            reducing gut infection, promote soft stools
                                                            and also prevent IBS.
                                                            Increases immunity
         Butter                                             Butter is rich in saturated fatty acids
         Butter, too, is rich in vitamins, calcium,         and anti-oxidants, both of which help in
         proteins and trace elements like selenium,         enhancing the immunity system. It’s a
         and has various benefits, such as -                natural source of lauric acid, and prevents
         Reduces chances of carcinomas                      cancers of certain types.
         A rich source of beta carotene, butter             Prevents oath decay
         reduces chances of breast and prostatic            Being a good source of vitamin K, butter
         cancer.                                            prevents tooth decay and helps in quicker
         Helps eyes                                         recovery after an injury.
         The vitamin A present in butter helps in           Growth and development
         strengthening eyesight, as well as keeping it      The macronutrients present in butter help
         moisturised. It may also help in preventing        in growth and development, especially
         or at least slowing down the rat of macular        in children. Butter has also been found to
         degeneration.                                      contain protein, riboflavin, niacin, all of
         Strengthens bones                                  which help in the overall growth of the
         Butter has large quantities of Vit D and           body.
         calcium. Both of them help in the growth           Good for heart and liver.
         and development of bones, and help in              Studies have found that butter increase the
         strengthening them as well. Calcium also           HDL levels in the body, thus protecting the
         prevents osteoporosis, a condition in which        heart from chronic diseases.
         bones become weak and easily breakable.             It is also rich in choline, and prevents fatty
         Healthy skin, nails and hair.                      liver disease.
         Being a rich source of Vit E, butter helps in      Prevents cancer
         keeping skin healthy and moisturized. The          The trace amounts of selenium present in
         Vit E also helps faster healing of wounds.         butter help release toxins from the body.
          The nutrients present in butter increase          Also, the CLA in butter prevents growth of
         the blood flow to the scalp, preventing hair       neoplastic cells.

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